
EMSP envisions an East Multnomah County community where children, youth, and adults have equitable access to and are engaged in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) learning that results in a skilled workforce and increased economic opportunity.

Why should you get involved?
EMSP can serve your students in the following ways:

  • Incorporate inquiry-based, career-connected STEAM learning into your teaching practice.
  • Learn where and how to direct your students toward high-wage, high-demand careers in our region.
  • Gain valuable skills, knowledge, and community through targeted STEAM professional development.
  • Connect with community organizations, industry partners, and other educators to expand what you can offer your students.
  • Support students who are historically underrepresented in STEAM fields to thrive in school and the economy.

EMSP needs your help and would like to invite you to become a part of our partnership by filling out the form below. EMSP convenes leaders from community organizations, local businesses, and organizations like yours to work towards an East Multnomah County where all people, particularly underserved communities, have equitable access to and are engaged in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM). We strengthen our partnership by welcoming members from a wide range of industries and sectors to build stronger relationships, share resources, and better integrate our community serving systems.

The above Partner Commitment Form survey will input you as a partner in our dynamic map system. If you want to update your directory and map entry AND your organization has already completed a Partner Commitment Form in 2020, please reach out to EMSP at for a link to your personalized form, instead of creating a new one.


Resources for Educators:

Portland Metro STEM Partnership Workshops & PD
The Partnership provides access to courses and workshops for educators, in-school and out of school.

Common Sense Media Educator training and curriculum allows educators to learn the basics of teaching students how to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world.

STEM Education Coalition & After School Alliance An afterschool guide to partnering on career and technical education.

STEM Next Opportunity Fund Changing the Game in STEM with Family Engagement: A White Paper for Practitioners and Field Leaders to Empower Families in STEM

NASA for Educators strives to inspire and motivate students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics by supporting education in the Nations schools and to engage the public in shaping and sharing the experience of exploration and discovery by supporting informal education and public outreach efforts.

Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries.

NSTA resources for NGSS aligned curriculum and activities.

ISTE’s mission is to empower learners to flourish in a connected world by cultivating a passionate professional learning community, linking educators and partners, leveraging knowledge and expertise, advocating for strategic policies, and continually improving learning and teaching.

The Oregon Educator Network is a dynamic tool for sharing and discovery of practices, resources, model programs, and professional development.

Scratch for Educators prepares educators to lead their students through projects using Scratch to code their own interactive stories, animations, and games. In the process, youth learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively essential skills for everyone in today’s society.

Donors Choose makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need, moving us closer to a nation where students in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education.

Youcubed inspires Math Success for all Students through Growth Mindsets and Innovative Teaching.

Mindset Works is the global leader in growth mindset training for educators and students, leveraging the pioneering research of co-founders Carol Dweck and Lisa Blackwell. The mission at Mindset Works is to enable a world in which people seek and are fulfilled by ongoing learning and growth.

OpenSciEd was launched to improve the supply of and address demand for high-quality, open-source, full-course science instructional materials, while at the same time supporting the implementation of middle school science instructional units.