STEM Early Learning
What is it?
With funding from the Oregon Department of Education’s STEM Innovation Grants, EMSP will provide professional development for Early Learning educators including PLCs and support through resources and documentation of lessons. EMSP will also disburse STEM kids for early learning providers and families.
Why it’s Important:
Investing in STEM/STEAM Education for children in early learning environments, including the home, builds on the natural curiosity and inquiry skills of children and supports the building of STEM/STEAM skills. Identifying essential elements of the learning environment to promote inquiry, problem-solving, critical thinking and creative innovation, providing professional development and resource support to providers and parents and engaging partners (EL Hubs, CCR&Rs, OAEYC, higher education) will lead to increased STEM/STEAM knowledge and skills among children. Expected outcomes include:
- Increased skills in Math and Approaches to Learning as measured by Oregon Kindergarten Assessment, disaggregated by demographicsÂ
- Increased partnerships with Early Learning Hubs, CCR&Rs, Early Learning Pre-Service Providers, libraries, museums, etc.
- Stronger system of PD providers delivering training for quality early learning STEAM education
- Increased engagement of parents in STEAM activities with young children
- Increased early learning educator’s sense of confidence in delivering STEAM education
- Increased access to resources (lessons, materials, support) expressed by early learning educators
How it Works:
 Identify regional early learning STEAM champions to form a community of practice by Spring 2020, identify key professional development needs & partners for the region by summer 2020, deliver PD and create lending library for EL providers and families by summer 2021.
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Central Oregon STEM
Childcare Resource and Referral
Columbia Gorge STEM Hub
Early Learning Multnomah
Frontier STEM Hub
Greater Oregon STEM
Mt. Hood Community College
Northwest STEM Hub
Oregon Coast STEM Hub
Portland Metro STEM Partnership
South Metro-Salem STEM Partnership
Southern Oregon STEAM Hub
STEM Investment Council
Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub