Equity in STEM
What is it?
Led by the East Metro STEAM Partnership Equity and Empowerment Action Team, 5 listening sessions took place annually where students and/or parents gather, to learn more about their STEAM interests, experiences, and barriers. The first 5 took place in spring 2019 and an additional 5 listening sessions will happen each year moving forward. Based on the results of the listening sessions, a STEAM Equity Self-Assessment tool was developed and vetted with partners.
Why it’s Important:
Listening sessions are one of the few ways EMSP hears directly from community members and can adjust programming and recommendations to formal and informal educators accordingly. The STEAM Equity Self-Assessment tool provides a mechanism for organizations to reflect on their dedication and implementation of equity practices and culture, then for EMSP to respond with relevant trainings and coaching for those organizations.
How it Works:
The Equity and Empowerment Team conducts outreach to culturally-specific organizations and other locations where students and families gather to offer the opportunity for a listening session. The Co-Chair(s) of the Equity and Empowerment Team lead each session, gathering demographic data from participants, and analyzing final results each year. The STEAM Equity Self-Assessment tool is released to partners in January 2020 and will be coupled with coaching and responsive trainings for those who complete it and submit their results to EMSP.
EMSP Youth Advisory Council
MetroEast Community Media
MFS Sun Site |
Oregon ASK |
Oregon MESA |
Reynolds High School Black African Student Success Group
West Powellhurst Elementary School
Wood Village Baptist Church