Elevating STEAM work in East Metro
What is it?
   EMSP funded 20 STEAM efforts in the region in 2017 and 2018 to raise awareness of the dedicated professionals, passionate community members, and inspiring youth in the East Metro region.
Why it’s important:
   The East Metro region is home to incredible STEAM opportunities and professionals. This initiative both celebrates the current effort toward STEAM outcomes and encourages expansion toward more equitable access and more collaborative projects benefiting students of all ages.
How it works:
   EMSP released a request for proposals in 2016 and again in 2018. In 2016, over 500 people participated in the online showcase of ideas in the East Metro area! On December 19, 2016, over 30 members of the partnership gathered with an outside facilitator to elevate 15 of 22 projects for funding in 2017. In 2018, 10 ideas were submitted and 5 were funded, based on a rubric and scoring system completed by the Leadership Team. Pending future funding, additional requests for proposals could be forthcoming.
   An evaluation was completed by NPC Research in fall 2017 of the fifteen initial projects. Approximately 2,175 students from all five East Metro school districts were served by at least one of the 11 completed Pockets of Innovation. Pockets of Innovation served youth from Kindergarten through 12th grade, with the highest concentration of services available to third through fifth grades. In addition to youth participants, about 320 parents and family members attended one or more event, and 48 teen and adult volunteers assisted in offering STEAM opportunities to these students. Demographic information was difficult for many projects to collect, especially community-based projects, but about half of all participants were girls and at least one third of participants were from ethnic minorities traditionally underrepresented in STEAM fields.
Airways Science
Art of STEM, Inc.
Boeing |
Centennial Middle School
Center for Advanced Learning
City of Gresham
Creative Science School
David Douglas School District
East County Caring Community
Friends of the Children
Girls, Inc. |
Gresham High School Teachers & Students
Gresham Redevelopment Commission
Grow Portland |
Highland Elementary School (Gresham-Barlow School District)
Hive Cascadia |
Human Solutions
I have a Dream Foundation
Impact NW |
Metro East Community Media
Microchip |
Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission
Mt. Hood Community College
Multnomah County Library
Multnomah Education Service District
Mythos Challenge
National University of Natural Medicine
Nu-Tech Machining
NW Noggin |
ON Semiconductor
Oregon MESA |
Pacific Northwest Carpenter’s Institute
Pacific Northwest College of Art
Parkrose School District
Pixel Arts |
Port of Portland |
Portland Art Museum
PSU Research Faculty
Refugee Immigrant Hospitality Organization
RKM Development
Rockwood Community Development Corporation
Salish Ponds Elementary (Reynolds School District)
SUN Metropolitan Family Services
Ten80 Foundation, Inc.
Worksystems |
YBA Architects |
Zenger Farms CSA