Math Capacity Building Institutes
What is it?
With funding from the Oregon Department of Education’s STEM Innovation Grants, and in partnership with Portland Metro STEM Partnership, EMSP will develop 3- and 5-day math professional development institutes for K-8 educators.Â
Why it’s Important:
The overarching goal of the proposed project is to increase the capacity of the Oregon STEM Hub Network to deliver high quality STEM leadership development opportunities focused on math by creating a comprehensive and cohesive set of professional development opportunities that can be leveraged statewide and utilized annually while developing administrators and teacher-leaders as facilitators and coaches. This work will identify the systems of ongoing support and leadership development needed for impacting student achievement in math. This aligns with the STEM Investment Council’s grant outcomes of:
- Administrators and classroom educators understand the value of STEM
- Administrators work with classroom educators to create STEM goals and initiatives for their schools/districts
- Create a network of STEM administrator and teacher leaders
- Increase STEM opportunities in participating schools
How it Works:
Recruit members for a PD development team by Winter 2020, Design and develop first PD institute by Spring 2020, Host first 5-day PD summer institute 2020, design and develop second PD institute by spring 2021, Host second 5-day PD institute AND 3-day PD summer institute 2021
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Portland Metro STEM Partnership
STEM Investment Council