STEM School Transformation Planning
What is it?
With guidance from PMSP, EMSP will work with Powell Valley Elementary School and Davis Elementary School to participate in five in-person planning sessions, as well as 3-day, 2-day, and 5-day summer professional development institutes to address key learning needs connected to NGSS implementation, leadership for change, etc. This process is taking place in 10 schools across Oregon in five STEM Hub regions. Final plans for each school will include the following elements: full NGSS alignment, integration of highly relevant and place based learning opportunities for students, development of regional partnerships, and the use of academic and STEM Identity data to guide planning and implementation.
Why it’s Important:
This initiative aligns with the STEM Investment Council’s grant outcomes:
- Administrators, classroom educators, and staff understand and believe in STEM pedagogy
- Development of a statewide framework for STEM School rubrics and designations
- Partner schools create School-wide STEM Transformation Plans and are ready to implement those plans
- Partner school curricula are transformed to be integrated and aligned vertically, and based on NGSS and CCSS standards
- Partner school instruction is transformed to be interdisciplinary, emphasize project-based and career-connected learning, problem-solving, and inquiry, and integrate the use of technology
- Development of a statewide STEM School Professional Learning CommunityÂ
How it Works:
Onboard school teams by winter 19/20, Begin planning process & designing by winter 2020 (ongoing), schools draft initial plans by spring 2020, schools attend PD in summer 2020, schools begin continuous improvement learning cycles in AY20-21, schools revise initial plans and crease 3-5 year transformation plans by spring 2021, schools attend PD in summer 2021.
Coming Soon!
Davis Elementary School, Reynolds School District
Powell Valley Elementary School, Gresham-Barlow School District
STEM Investment Council
Portland Metro STEM Partnership