Strategic Regional Engagement
What is it?
Thanks to the generosity of the Oregon Community Foundation, EMSP has the opportunity to explore solutions to the gap in collaborative business engagement in changing STEM outcomes for low-income, students of color, and girls.
Why it’s Important:
This initiative leverages technical assistance and matching dollars to increase local strategic engagement in STEM outcomes for low-income, students of color, and girls.
The gap in regional engagement that the East Metro STEAM Partnership aims to address is collaborative industry efforts. Industry is engaged in isolation, according to Business Engagement Report written by Chris Holden, WBTO, LLC, in summer 2019. East Metro’s industry layout is such that it’s mostly small blue-collar businesses and unions, with a few notable exceptions: Microchip, ON Semiconductor, Boeing, and PGE. Our regional gap is a collaborative industry effort, which is beginning to be addressed through Gresham Chamber’s single point of contact for industry to engage with education. EMSP aims to be the lynchpin, gathering industry interest in volunteering and donating, then distributing it to partnerships of education, nonprofits, and agencies that are effectively and successfully doing quality STEM work with low-income, students of color, and girls.
How it Works:
EMSP submitted a proposal to address the lack of collaborative industry efforts on November 15, 2019. Through spring and summer 2020, EMSP will engage partners in identifying a solution to this gap in regional engagement through further research and a big event to develop a structure that would engage industry collaboratively including very specific engagement points and an ask to match dollars.
Coming Soon!
Boeing |
Culturally specific organizations
Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce & members
Microchip |
Mt. Hood Community College
ON Semiconductor
Oregon Community Foundation
School Districts: Centennial, David Douglas, Reynolds, Parkrose, Gresham-Barlow
Small Business Development Center